Charachter Bios
Goku(DBZGT): Goku is a saiyan which is a race from the planet vegeta. He was sent to earth to destroy it but he was damaged in the head and could not remember what he had to do. A man named Gohan found him and raised him. But one day when the moon was full Goku turned into a giant ape like being and destroyed Gohan. After that he went on many adventures for a magical item called Dragon balls. Later on he was married to chi chi and they Had a son and named him gohan Like his grandpa But his real father was a saiyan called Bardock.
Yugi(Yugioh): Yugi is a kid who loves to lay this certain card game but then he solved a puzzle which changed his fantasy and the cards into reality.
Aeka(tenchi): Aeka is a princess from the planet jeraii she got to earth while chasing a space pirate named Ryoko.